Catholic Professionals Society PNG President, Mr. Paul Harricknen has joined other mounting voices around the country for the PM to sack MP Justin Tkatchenko from the Cabinet.
“The Minister has betrayed the people and national interest. He has lost the confidence of the people".
“The Minister in his position as Minister failed in his conduct. He chose to respond for his daughter in the way he did. He could have responded in another responsible way. He cannot be excused now that he responded the way he did. He must face the consequences of his actions.
“The Minister has committed misconduct in office and breached the leadership code. The Ombudsman Commission is duty-bound to investigate and lay appropriate charges and prosecute him under the leadership code.
“The PM does not have to wait for the OC or such other legal proceedings. The Minister should be sacked from the Cabinet".
“In the meantime, Immigration should also determine possible breaches of the Minister’s naturalized citizenship".
“For the PM to accept the Minister stepping aside is a decision of compromise. It implies that the PM is not in control of the Cabinet and allowing actions like this to undermine the integrity of the Cabinet. The PM must be decisive in his actions. The decision to accept the apology is a relational decision and not in the national interest.”
Authorised by Paul Harricknen, OL
Catholic Professionals Society PNG