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Christine Tsuga

Be salt! Be light! Give life to others!

Port Moresby: The Catholic Bishops Conference through its Chaplaincy Commission visited the Palliative Care Ward on March 31, 2024 to share the joy of Easter Sunday with the patience, guardians, nurses, a ward doctor and the sister in charge of the ward.

The brief but meaningful and joyful program comprised of praying with the patients and having a chat with them, a small donation of gift packs and then sharing a meal.

The visit also enabled the Catholic patients to receive the Holy Communion after a little Holy Communion devotion.

Accompanying the CBC Volunteer Chaplaincy Commission Secretary were 5 chaplains from the hospital, two communion ministers from St Joseph Parish and staff representative of CBC.

As health comes under the Chaplaincy Commission, providing pastoral and spiritual accompaniment to the patients is one corporal work of mercy the commission takes on visiting the sick. The visit was under the Commission’s theme: Be salt! Be light! Give life to others!

The CBC Chaplaincy Commission currently includes the Disciplinary Forces: Police, Defence, CIS Prisons, Health and Education with suggested additions to include Mission to the Sea and the Parliament House.

The Chaplaincy Commission is grateful to former volunteer Chaplaincy Commission Secretary Sr Mary McCarthy PBVM and the CBC Management who sponsored the visit.


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