Migrants and Refugees Desk
Migrants and Refugees Desk Coordinator, Mr. Jason Siwat
The CBC Desk for Migrants and Refugees (M&R Desk) was established in 2021 to reflect the concerns of the Bishops and the Catholic faithful for people who are displaced and have no roots. These often include vulnerable groups such as refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons, and victims of human trafficking. The M&R Desk works closely with and for these groups of people in keeping with Pope Francis' call for people to forge solidarity and compassion towards such groups of people who are fleeing persecution and hostility.
The M&R Desk directly connects with the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Integral Human Development of the Holy See in Rome, and the special apostolate and advocacy of Pope Francis on the plight of Migrants, Asylum Seekers, Refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and victims of trafficking/smuggling. The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) in
Geneva, Switzerland is also a stable point of reference.
Our vision is to be a fulfilling and caring companion in faith and in life for the displaced and itinerant persons, and our mission is to journey together with them by sharing their hopes and stories and to build a migrant-inclusive society in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Published Reports
Migrants and Refugees Desk
Migrants and Refugees Desk Coordinator, Mr. Jason Siwat
The CBC Desk for Migrants and Refugees (M&R Desk) was established in 2021 to reflect the concerns of the Bishops and the Catholic faithful for people who are displaced and have no roots. These often include vulnerable groups such as refugees, migrants, internally displaced persons, and victims of human trafficking. The M&R Desk works closely with and for these groups of people in keeping with Pope Francis' call for people to forge solidarity and compassion towards such groups of people who are fleeing persecution and hostility.
The M&R Desk directly connects with the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Integral Human Development of the Holy See in Rome, and the special apostolate and advocacy of Pope Francis on the plight of Migrants, Asylum Seekers, Refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs), and victims of trafficking/smuggling. The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) in
Geneva, Switzerland is also a stable point of reference.
Our vision is to be a fulfilling and caring companion in faith and in life for the displaced and itinerant persons, and our mission is to journey together with them by sharing their hopes and stories and to build a migrant-inclusive society in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Published Reports and Links
West Papuan Refugees - POM Survey Report
EN Sunday of the Sea 2023
Pastoral Orientations on Climate-Displaced People
At Rome Meetings, ICMC Highlights Significant Expansion in 2023
Reflection: A Journey to Ukraine - The Humanitarian Crisis and the Catholic Response
World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2023 Message from His Holiness Pope Francis
West Papuans in Papua New Guinea: A Forgotten Refugee Population