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  • Walter Kalana, Franciscan

Touch Our Hearts and Awaken Us

“The Risen Lord touches our hearts and awakens us each time when we receive His Body and Blood. The Lord awakens us with his light just as He awakens Peter when He was in prison (Cf Acts12:7). And so, the church also has to touch the hearts of the youths and awaken them to follow the Risen Lord, as He is the way, the truth and the life.”

These were the scriptures highlighted during a Youth Rally celebrating the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord to Passion, held on 25th to 28th March 2021, at the St. Gabriel Parish in the Diocese of Aitape.

The rally organized by youths with the assistance of Parish Priest, Fr. Giannie Gattei Ofm, had the support of surrounding communities and the engagement of more than 200 youths.

Presentations were given by Fr. Giannie and Br. Walter Kalana Ofm, that dwelled on Maria, Youth, Vocation, History of the Cross and Holiness. Activities were held in between that focused on Rot Kruse, Benediction, Confession, Movie Viewing, Sports, singing and dancing.

Pope Francis in His Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation; Christus Vivit (2019), beautifully defined youth as, “Someone young who is lost and who is searching for the meaning in life. Yes, the young are lost but they are never alone.”

Based on the Holy Father’s Exhortation, the rally’s message was plain and clear, “The church accompanies and walks with them because no youths, meant no vocation.”

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