Hanuabada: The Parishioners in St Michael's Parish in Hanuabada expressed how blessed they were by the Sunday Eucharist by the visiting Bishop for Aitape, Bishop Siby Matthew Peedikayil HGN on April 14, 2024.

(The family of the little girl who received the Sacrament of Communion with His Lordship Bishop Siby Matthew Peedikayil HGN, Parish Priest Fr Justin Nenat SVD and the altar servers. Picture: Lujo Kesa)
The sweet music and happiness filled the atmosphere and added that special touch to the Eucharistic celebration with the presence of the visiting Bishop in the little chapel overlooking the sea.
The congregation was also blessed to witness a seven-year-old girl who received her first holy communion during the service.
In his powerful homily, Bishop Siby highlighted the need to be spiritually alive in Christ like the Risen Lord and be part of the Eucharistic Celebration.
“These days, the church is filled with elderly people and small kids but it would be nice to see more young people filling the church on Sundays”
Parish Priest Fr Justin Nenat SVD expressed his gratitude to Bishop Siby for gracing their humble parish.
Longtime parishioners of St Michael’s Parish also expressed their joy in attending the Eucharistic celebration by Bishop Siby, most of whom was their first time attending mass led by him.
The Bishop had light refreshments and a meet and greet session after mass with the parishioners and the parish priest.