Port Moresby: Planet Earth with all its marvels is our home and caring for it begins with everyone.

The reflective appeal was made by four outspoken Grade-12 students from St Joseph’s International Catholic College, during their discussion of the ‘Role of Youth in Caring for the Environment’ on the Chat Room on Wednesday 30th March 2022.
A variety of aspects surrounding the topic were raised that covered the definition and essential role the environments constantly plays; ramifications of human activities; more widened scope for involvement of youth; the growing need for inspirational role models among youth; positive use of social media for tangible change; local cases studies and references proving environmental damage; a reflection of the Gospel of Genesis; policy change for societal betterment; and a call for parents and the government to regard the matter as one of urgency that requires swift action.
In her definition of the environment, Petronilla Tamari, reminded listeners that without the environment, no species of life on earth would be equipped to survive in the world. “We should be grateful for everything that we have around us, and this should, in turn, create in us a sense of personal responsibility and protection for the environment,” she said.
“Sadly, the reality of our actions has proven to be contradictory and has had a detrimental impact on the environment. Yes, we depend heavily on the extractive industry of mining and forestry as the main contributor to economic development and social wellbeing, but this has been done at the cost of the loss of natural habitation, wildlife, and displacement of local inhabitants,” she added.
Jeremiah Kintau, quoted the Bible scripture of Genesis 1:26 (Dominion over all Creation), and emphasized the need for constant care and responsibility over all of God’s creation. “We are merely stewards and guardians here to ensure that God’s creation and His people live in peace and thrive, without death, despair or destruction,” he said.
He further explained how youth today were full of energy and comprised 60-percent of the global population, and stressed that they were a crucial force yet to be harnessed for societal change. ‘Today’s youth between 13 to 25 are in abundance, and their population is far greater than that of babies, children, young adults, or even older folk combined. The sooner this is acknowledged, then youth can be used as the driving force to taking action and ultimately, effecting policy change,’ he stated.
Laisebo Maniana, described that many of the present ecological issues were life-threatening and were the direct result of careless human actions orchestrated for the prime purpose of personal gain. “If we stop thinking about ourselves for a moment and consider others, only then can we come together strongly united to combat and address the damages caused to our environment,” he said.
Calling on members of society, Rhianna Yagoru, urged all people and present leaders to consider the common good and make widespread public consultation before making decisions and deals that would permanently harm environments and their surrounding societies.
Mary Trakalow, Host of Chat Room, commended the students for their very vital and coherent talk on the need to protect the environment and urged all people to frequently engage youth in matters affecting society.
Chat Room on 6th April, will have students from La Salle Technical College discuss the topic ‘’Overcoming War on Covid and Violence’.