Tokarara, Port Moresby: Divine Mercy Apostolates of St John the Apostle Parish, Tokarara held a mini Salt and Light Congress from Friday September 1- Saturday September 2 with the theme ‘You are the Salt of the Earth and Light of the World’.

Picture: Chairlady of St John the Apostle Parish Tokarara Divine Mercy Apostolates Helen Oa (Left) with members presenting token of appreciation to facilitator Fr. Ambrose Pereira sbd (Third from left)
In attendance were Divine Mercy Apostolate representatives from other parishes within the Archdiocese of Port Moresby and a few coming as far as Hisiu and Kuriva in the Bereina Diocese.
Topics presented and discussed were Being Salt and Light in the World – A Christian’s Role, Co-Responsibility of the Lay Faithful, the Conference Pastoral Plan 2 and the Dialogue on the Conference Pastoral Plan and were facilitated by the Spiritual Director for the Catholic Professionals Society Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb, Chairperson of the Divine Mercy Apostolate Ministry of St John the Apostle, Tokarara Ms. Helen Oa, PNG La Sallian Family Coordinator Ms. Grace Wrakia and Member of the Conference Pastoral Plan 2 Formulation and Coordination Committee Mrs. Eileen Kassman-Lala.
The Mini Congress started on Friday evening with a Eucharistic Celebration followed by adoration and then video presentations and concluded with talks and discussion on Saturday with joyful sentiments shared by the participants.
According to Miss Oa, the Mini Salt and Light Congress is an effort to promote Objective 2 of the Conference Pastoral Plan where Lay Devotional Groups and their programs are organized.
It was also an opportunity for those who joined thousands of others in the fifth World Apostolic Congress on Mercy (WACOM) held in Apia, Samoa from May 21-26 to share their personal experiences and spread the message of Divine Mercy throughout the region and the world.
The Divine Mercy Apostolates of St John Tokarara Parish are now looking forward to attending the next WACOM in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Convened every three years, WACOM is an international gathering of Divine Mercy devotees and promoters, including bishops, priests, religious brothers and sisters and the laity.