Aitape: The Catholic women of St. Ignatius Cathedral Parish and St. Joachim Parish in Aitape town with the support of the menfolk and children dressed in black had a peaceful walk in their campaign against Gender Based Violence on Thursday May 9, 2024.

(Mothers during the World Communication Day Mass)
The walk began in Raihu District Hospital and ended in downtown and had the theme: "Tok nogat long olgeta kain birua i save bagarapim laip sindaun bilong yumi olgeta".
Leading the walk was Mrs Freda Tabokom from the Women’s Office. The purpose of their silent march was to express their concerns so that the District Administration and leaders of all levels can address.
“We need laws established for men, women and children for everyone to respect and follow while conducting their business. This includes laws on carrying fancy weapons, consumption of home-brew and alcohol, littering and swearing in public places.
The women also made an appeal to the Administration to monitor law enforcers posted to the Aitape/Lumi District so that they do their job diligently and requested that those not performing their duties to be transferred elsewhere.
Mrs Cecilia Mave from the Family Life office stressed on the safety of people living in communities and condemned GBV and all forms of violence.
“Thursday in black stands against violence of all forms. Don't tell a woman she's not capable of something because she is capable of everything”.
The mothers concluded the awareness campaign with a significant Eucharistic celebration on Sunday, May 12 on the Feast of the Lord which also coincided with Mother’s Day and the 58th World Communication Day.
Presiding over the mass was Fr Philip Pagolu OFM as the main celebrant assisted by Br Michael OFM.