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  • Simon Mokot

Youths accept Jesus into their Hearts

Dei District, Mt. Hagen: Youths from Keta Kori, in the Dei District of Mt. Hagen Western Highlands, gave up Drugs and surrendered to Jesus before their community, their leaders, the police and the Church Elders.

More than 50 Youths uprooted Marijuana trees from their gardens and marched into the community dressed in black and white in line with the graduating grade two students of Keta Kori Elementary School. The event took place on Wednesday December 09th, 2020 at Keta Kori Primary School ground. It was a great relief and a success for the church and community leaders who had been working for many years to eradicate drug in this community.

For many years their efforts brought no change in the lives of these youths till this day, the youths themselves came to their senses and eventually gave up drug and surrendered. With the help of Evangelist Andrew Abram, founder of the Soul Concern Heart Ministry, the youths decided to give up on drugs and submit themselves to Jesus. Hence, they came up with a slogan “Keta Kori for Jesus”, as written on the sign board and banners.

The event was coincided with the graduation of grade two students to tell these future generation that the drug issue in Keta Kori community is now over. The young generation will no longer have drug related problems in life, they will be free and concentrate on Education, Church, Family and Business. These youths also spoke out that what they are doing here equally applies to their brothers who are out in other provinces. That they are all giving up drug and surrender themselves to Jesus.

They promised never to go back into drugs and signed MOU document before their Councilor Clement Namba, Snr Police Prosecutor Mr. Mathew, Church Leaders including Parish Priest Fr. Joseph Siune and many community leaders. They declared this document to be their guide and whoever fails to live up to the words of this document should face the consequences with the law. The youths also promised openly to the community that there will be no more drugs, no more Card games and no more drunkenness in Keta Kori.

The event ended with the final blessing of these youths by all the Church elders lead by Fr. Joseph Siune, Parish Priest of Mun Parish.

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