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Students share Hope through Images and Short Films

Isabella Saleu

Madang Province: ‘Hope amidst Covid-19’, was the theme of a three-day Media Education Seminar held on 6th-8th October at the Alexishafen Pastoral Centre for participants from the Divine Word University.

The program was facilitated by the Social Communications Commission (SOCOM) of the Catholic Bishops Conference PNGSI and focused on Photography and Short Films.

The program began on the evening of 6th October with a talk entitled ‘Moved by Hope’ animated by SOCOM Secretary Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb. In his talk Fr. Ambrose highlighted the struggles in work, education, travel, health, spirituality and family that was brought about by the pandemic and challenged the participants to strive to promote positivity in their productions.

“Our people are filled with fear and uncertainty at this time and so we have the responsibility as journalists to reach out to them. Whether we go out to encounter them or produce materials for their consumption, the message of hope must be dominant. We really need that now”, he stressed.

On the first part of the second day, the sessions were based on Still Photography where the students were tasked to capture images and later create a photo story. Basic Shots and Story Board was the next session. As a build-up from the previous session, this session aimed at getting the participants to play around with the different basic shots and plan and create a storyboard to use for their films. The students started off with filming 30-second videos.

A talk on how to ‘Pitch your Product’ was also shared by the facilitators so as to equip the students with skills and knowledge on how to promote and sell their films to a potential audience.

The final day of the program saw the participants get engaged in practical and teamwork as they continued to shoot longer two-minute films that were presented in the evening at DWU, together with other productions of the seminar.

Archbishop of Madang, Abp. Anton Bal, Fr Jose Orathinkal, SVD Provincial, Fr Philip Gibbs, President of DWU were special guests at the event. Friends and family members were part of the audience.

“It is wonderful to see productions centred around Hope being brought to you by the students. With so much miscommunication and fake news circulating, as young journalists you need to present the truth. Our people are in fear and we need to have productions of positivity and hope. I am very grateful that you got to attend this seminar”, Fr. Phil Gibbs, President of DWU.

Apart from the media sessions, there were also moments of interaction, sharing, prayer, morning meditations and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist to deepen their love and appreciation for the God who gives us hope.

Thanks to CARITAS Australia, SIGNIS International, Divine Word University and the CBC SOCOM department for the joint effort in organizing and conducting the event.

Comments from participants:

“During the seminar, I was inspired to think creatively on how I will address the Covid-19 situation. I need to produce content that is applicable to all viewers and most importantly be aware of details in my productions that contribute to convey the message.” – Joy Tero

“I liked how spiritual aspect was ingrained in the program. Also, I like how we were encouraged to work together in teams, especially on videos relating to the theme: Hope amidst Covid-19.” – Jacintha Cohlee

“Well organized. I am moved by hope and that is what I liked most about the seminar.” – Marchella Kenny

“Personally, the seminar was well done. Particularly, the presentations touched on different aspects of our lives.” – Phil Krawasi

“My commitment now is to put into practice what I have learned, especially that of being an advocate using the media and to share what I have learned during the seminar.’ – Sharon Yandit

“What I liked most about the seminar was waking up early in the morning and doing morning exercises and meditation with the morning service because that enabled my entire day to be productive.” – Letwina Zosiringke

“Personally, I like how we always begin the day with morning prayer and meditation. I think it prepares us for the day mentally, spiritually and physically.” – Dianne Wilson

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