Port Moresby: Secretaries, Directors and a few staff of the Catholic Bishops Conference were part of a two-day Director Development Program that focused on promoting good governance.

The program offered by the Papua New Guinea Institute of Directors (PNG ID) was held from 14th to 15th with the objective to introduce basic standards on the roles, responsibilities and tasks required of directors and those aspiring to be directors in the future.
PNGID Director, Taunao Vai facilitated the sessions and took them through the topics on Defining Corporate Governance, A Brief History of Corporate Governance, Distinction between Governance and Management, Directors’ Duties, Responsibilities and Roles, Essential Knowledge for Directors, Making Boards Effective, Understanding Financial Statements, Analysis of Financial Statements, Board Responsibility for Strategy and Planning, Capital Project Evaluation, Board Responsibility for Corporate Risk and Six Golden Rules for Directors and Board Members.
The participants were Marie Mondu, Development Secretary; Mavis Tito, Director of Caritas PNG; Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb, Secretary of Social Communications; Elizabeth Aribi, Youth Secretary; Eva Wangihama, Laity Secretary; Brandon Zimmerman, Ecumenism and Inter-faith Dialogue Secretary; Fr Jacek Tendej, Rector of Holy Spirit Seminary; Fr Vincent Takin of New Ireland; Jason Siwat, Migrants and Refugees Officer; Demoti Magini, CCDF and Abigail Seta, Assistant to the Social Communications Secretary.
The intense program concluded with a short presentation of certificates of participation by the President of PNGID, Anthony Yauieb.
Mr Yauieb congratulated the participants for taking part in the program and encouraged them to promote good governance in PNG.