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Pontifical Mission Societies holds Kerygma Course in Simbu

Fr. Victor Roche SVD

Mingende, Simbu: Twenty-one Catholic faithful of Kundiawa Diocese attended a two-weeks Kerygma Course conducted in Mingende Pastoral Centre, Simbu Province from August 7-19.

The aim of the course was to enhance the participants to experience the person of Jesus and His Church. They were given talks on many topics on the Catholic Church and had group discussions on issues affecting the Church in Papua New Guinea today. They were also trained to give this course to other Catholic Groups to strengthen the faith of the people in the families and Basic Christian Communities (BCC).

The group also had a two-day retreat in which they reflected on their own lives; they were anointed and sent as Kerygma Disciples of the New Evangelization. They are to go two-by-two (Lk 10:1) to bring the good-news to the Small Christian Communities (SCC) with the aim to strengthen the faith of the Catholics through knowledge and experience. The group also vowed to refrain from Betelnut, (Buai), Beer, Smoke, Coke (BBSC) as these addictions are considered health and spiritual hazards.

The team that gave this course consisted of Fr. Victor Roche SVD, the Director of Pontifical Mission Societies in PNGSI; Fr.Thomas Waiaken (Diocesan Priest of Wabag Diocese); Fr. Antony Siluvai SVD (Director of the Spiritual Year in Good Shepherd Seminary); Ms. Jennifer Aure (Lecturer- Holy Trinity Teachers College-HTTC); Ms. Flora Teng (Lecturer- HTTC); Ms. Johnyta Passingan (Lecturer- HTTC); Dr. Camy Thomas (Dentist-Baptist Hospital, Kompiam, Enga).

A Graduation and Eucharistic Celebration was held on Friday, August 18, 2023 with Fr. Ryszard Wajda SVD, the Pastoral Vicar of Kundiawa Diocese as the main Celebrant which saw the participants receive their certificates and the materials for their preaching.

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