Port Moresby: A weeklong workshop for Laity coordinators in preparation for the Third Year of Laity ended on a high note on 27th November, at Catholic Bishops Conference of PNGSI, Port Moresby.

The workshop started on 23rd November, 2020. The hearings from the sessions present throughout the workshop was based on the theme: “Holy, formed and sent for service”. The sessions aim to help the lay coordinators to plan and program action plans for 2021 in accordance with the Pastoral Letter on the 3rdyear of Laity endorsed by Catholic Bishops of PNG and Solomon Islands. The workshop was facilitated by the Laity commission of PNGSI headed by Miss. Eva Wangihama, the Secretary for the Laity Commission.
In between his sessions, Bp Otto Separy specified to the lay coordinators to integrate current social issues of concern in their planning and programming.
A highlight of the session was on Thursday in which participants openly discussed Sorcery Accusation Related Violence and Gender Based Violence and shared common views, challenges and doubts within their dioceses. “If SARV is not common in your place, identify other social issues of concern in your dioceses, plan and program the activities to advocate against it” Bp stated. Miss. Eva Wangihama also reminded the lay coordinators to maintain communications with their Bishops and be active on the ground.
A few lay coordinators expressed a deep appreciation to the facilitators and admitted that the workshop was very helpful and motivated them to plan properly for the Year of Laity in 2021.
“I can now understand some things I do not know as the coordinator in terms of duties of a lay person in church” said Alfred Mamon, Laity coordinator for Kavieng Diocese.
The workshop began with registration and orientation on Monday and Vocation of Laity, Formation, Planning and Programming sessions, given on Tuesday, by Bp Otto Separy, Bishop Deputy of the Laity commission. On Wednesday participants sat through sessions on Catechisms, Spiritual Journey and Sacrament of Reconciliation given by Miss Eva Wangihama, the Secretary for Laity commission.
The following Thursday had topics on Evangelization and Parish conversion, presented to the coordinators by Fr Victor Roche, Secretary for New Evangelization with additional sessions on Fratelli Tutti followed by Vocation of the Laity, given by Mr Paul Harriknen, President of Catholic Professionals Society. The last day of the workshop had detailed sessions by Bp Otto Separy and Miss Wangihama on Planning and programming before the participants did evaluations and welcomed CBC staff to join in the closing holy mass, re-dedication of the laity coordinators and launch of the third year of laity banner.