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James Miri

His Lordship Bishop Pedro Baquero administers Sacrament of Confirmation to Kerema Youth

Kerema: His Lordship Bishop Pedro Baquero SDB  in his recent visit to Theresa Moveave in Terapo Parish administered the sacrament of Confirmation to 50 candidates.

(Newly Confirmed candidates with His Lordship Bishop Pedro Baquero SDB)

The candidates were from St. Theresa-Moveave Primary School, St. Anthony-Malalaua and St. Vincent de Paul Terapo Primary School.

The Holy Eucharist commenced with the beautiful sound of the singsing and spectacular entrance as candidates, Bishop Pedro and Parish Priest Fr Eugene Karava processed to open the Holy mass, as the voices of hymns filled the place.

 The Parishioners and family members of the candidates came to witness the Sacrament of Confirmation celebration with silent admiration for the courage shown by the candidates. The peak of the moment of joyfulness was when Bishop Pedro confirmed the candidates.

Reflecting on the Gospel in his homily Bishop Pedro encouraged the Parishioners of Theresa and visitors to forgive one another when they encounter unfortunate situations.

In terms of temptation, Bishop said that, “If you are weak inside, small in size, and have special needs, know that your willpower is strong, stronger is the one who is able to control oneself and that is the real Mercy and Love of God.”

 He added that the candidates have to give vitality and vigor to the church and they need to arise and repent from old mistakes and receive Jesus in their hearts and become great witnesses of the gospel.’’

The entire liturgical celebration was well organized by the youth of St Theresa - Moveave with joyful voices packed with emotional feelings that brought liveliness in the presence of the people who were present including the families of the candidates.

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