Port Moresby: Women and children in the Port Moresby-South electorate had a month of formation and empowerment all thanks to the Sisters of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI) Congregation.

The DMI Sisters visited and held various programs in Kaugere, Pari, Sabama, Kogeva and Joyce Bay. The Sisters visited the communities with organized women and children’s programs on different dates from April 26 - May 14.
Kicking off with the regular Women Group Leader’s Meeting at Kaugere, the leaders were motivated and encouraged to serve their women folk empowering each other to
Christian values and hard work within their families and societies. They were also challenged to show concern and care for other women especially the less fortunate.
Since the month of May was dedicated to the Empowerment of Women, the Sisters conducted a microdata analysis on school dropouts among girls. According to the data collected, some of the main causes were early pregnancy, economic constraints and cultural traditions.
“Due to lack of parents been educated and the traditional barriers that we have in our societies as well as the absence of necessary guidance, many young girls are not able to continue their education,” Sr. Catherine stressed.
The National Training office also got the pleasure of a visit from a group of women consisting of Sisters and women representatives to discuss relationships of both organizations to collaborate in providing women with life skills to use as an income
earner to support their families.
Ten women who had completed a tailoring course at the Daughters of Mary Immaculate Training Centre much to their amusement received 10 electric sewing machines donated by Mr. Kalyana Raman and Mr. Bernard George.
The Women’s Program came to a joyous closure as Mr. John, owner of the Badili Second-Hand donated clothes to 25 families in Pari.
Meanwhile up to 163 children were recipients of another clothes distribution at Kogeva, Pari, Sabama and Joyce Bay. Sixty of which took part in the renewal of the ‘DMI Children Parliament’, a formation group for children between the ages of 8-15 years.
The DMI Sisters expressed their gratitude towards all who have been supportive during their time of outreach especially in providing donations for the programs.
Mothers of the different communities also got together to celebrate Mother’s Day, each preparing a meal to share delight in, during the celebration. The participants were grateful and happy to be at the receiving end of the program.