Port Moresby: The first biannual meeting of the year for the Commission Secretaries of the Catholic Bishops Conference was held from the 8th to 9th February 2022.
Held at the CBC Headquarters in Port Moresby, the meeting had 19 people in attendance, made up of 16 Commission Secretaries and three staff from the CBC Administration.
General Secretary of the CBC PNG & SI, Fr. Giorgio Licini, opened up the meeting with his welcome remarks with the Bishops’ Pastoral Letter for 2022 Salt and Light: The Catholic Church and Society. He stressed that it is a follow-up from the 3 years dedicated to the Laity on Call, Formation, Service and Mission.
He also highlighted that this year would be special as the Church will celebrate its third General Assembly in the Diocese of Kundiawa in April. The Assembly will generate a new Pastoral Plan for the next 5 years and will also contribute to the Holy Father’s call for the Synod on Synodality – For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission in 2023.
He also mentioned some positions within the commissions like Youth, Ecumenism and SOCOM would need to be filled later this year and he welcomed the new National Christian Education Coordinator Sr. Roshni Kachuwa, SJC to the team.
Abp. Douglas Young SVD of Mt Hagen went through a session with the Secretaries on the Pastoral Letter Salt and Light: The Catholic Church and Society. He stressed on being more active in the Church as we are on a mission for God. He said our reflection for this year would be on communion, participation of Clergy and Laity in the mission of bringing the Gospel to the World. The Secretaries were very grateful to Archbishop Douglas for his explanation of the Pastoral Letter and will incorporate into their commission’s work for the year.
Over the two days, each Commission shared their reports on summarized activities of 2021, planned activities for 2022 and shared with each other how they will strengthen cooperation among themselves at CBC and down to the dioceses.
They will meet again towards the end of the year to share and evaluate this year’s activities.