VUNAPOPE: School staff, students and parents of the Sacred Heart International Catholic School in the Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul were all in black and gathered on Thursday 11th of March 2021 at the school grounds to remember the life and immense work of the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas “ToPalangat” Somare, and to show respect to the founding father of our country Papua New Guinea.
In a series of events that began with a procession of students and staff from the Sacred Heart Cathedral to the school, students were enlightened by staff members who shared their personal experiences of encounters with the late Grand Chief, and of our country’s Independence Day back in 16th September 1975.
Staff member Mr Martin Pisira presented a brief biography of the late Grand Chief, highlighting key events of his life in Rabaul where he was born, and in his profession as a teacher, radio announcer and politician.
The students and staff then proceeded to perform a mini “Kutu Tabu” ceremony, a sign of deep respect in the Tolai society accorded to prominent people of high standing who have died.
In a closing address, Mr Barnabas Tobata, the school’s principal thanked staff, students, parents and all those present in taking part in paying tribute to the Late Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas ToPalangat Somare. He extended gratitude and sincere condolences to the Family of the Late Sir Michael; to Lady Veronica, their children and grandchildren.