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St Charles Lwanga Secondary School celebrates World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Sr. Daisy Anne Lisania Augustine, MSC

Gerehu, Port Moresby: Students of St Charles Lwanga celebrated the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on Saturday July 29, in the Parish.

The day began with a beautiful liturgy. The main celebrant Father Robert Spania emphasized in his homily, the care and love for the elderly.

He said that in many occasions, they are forgotten and become lonely.

“We have a duty towards the forgotten and lonely of our communities,” he added.

After the mass, the students served food for the grandparents and elderly.

Mrs. Lucy Lavu of the Family Life Office of the Archdiocese of Port Moresby thanked the Principal of the school for such an occasion that enables the young to show care for their elderly.

“Thank you to Br. Joymon Mathew, for the students to put into practice what the Church has called us to do.”

She encouraged the students to continue the same in different occasions adding that this was a great formation for their lives.

In his message for the third World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, Pope Francis writes: “The Lord trusts that young people, through their relationships with the elderly, will realize that they are called to cultivate memory and recognize the beauty of being part of a much larger history…”

On July 23, the Church celebrated the third World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Established by Pope Francis in January 2021, the observance is celebrated each year on the fourth Sunday of July, coinciding with the feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s parents and Jesus’ grandparents, Sts. Joachim and Anne.

The theme for this year’s World Day is “His mercy is from age to age” (Lk 1:50) According to Vatican News, the theme was chosen to be in tune with that of World Youth Day in Lisbon: Mary arose and went with haste, taken from Luke’s Gospel.

The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life promotes two ways for Catholics to celebrate. The first is by celebrating Mass for the grandparents and the elderly. The second is to visit those who are alone. A plenary indulgence is granted for those who participate in either of these activities.

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