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Nigel Akuani

Reach Out and Become The INSPIRATION!

Port Moresby: Start reaching out to those in need and become their source of comfort and inspiration.

The heartfelt encouragement was given to four Salesian Brothers on Tuesday 19th April 2022, during a short Social Communications presentation and training at the Salesian Provincial House in Boroko. The Salesian Brothers came from Vunabosco in Kokopo, Don Bosco Araimiri in Kerema, Don Bosco Technological Institute, and the Don Bosco Technical School Secondary School.

Facilitated by Social Communications personnel from the Catholic Bishops Conference PNGSI, the sessions were supervised by its Secretary, Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb. Presentations covered Pope Francis’ Encyclical message for World Communication Day 2022 (Listen. Do everything with Love); Social Media Netiquette and Online Ethics; Definition of the 5W’s 1H in Article Writing; Messages through Digital Media, and using Photography to capture Emotion.

Fr Ambrose described how the use of modern technology could be used to improve efforts of evangelizing and building spirituality in both young and old, and urged the young brothers to fully know and embrace it. “Technological advances, the internet and social media, all have the potential to build and strengthen the many relationships we have with those around us. As you are consecrated brothers, the communities and the people we associate ourselves with look toward us for a spiritual relationship of guidance, help, support and most importantly, that of Hope,” he said.

“However, we always have to be mindful that these modern ingenuities also pose to us the risk of social-disconnect, a detrimental breakdown in communication and personal relationships with our family, friends, and the very people we interact with on a daily basis,” he cautioned.

Commentary from Participants

I liked most media and communication where we started with the strenna of 2022, and the lives and works of St John Bosco and St Francis De Sales are blended in the Salesian charism,” Conrad Vamilat sdb, Don Bosco Technological Institute.

I’ve learnt much because the presenters know well the subjects and they are able to engage the participants with activities. My commitment would be to put into practice everything learned to communicate effectively and evoke the imagination and emotions,” Br Pio Ehava of Don Bosco Araimiri in Kerema.

Now that I have a better understanding of social media and modern technology and significant impact both have on society, I am now more aware and keen to advocate others on their responsible use,” Attisso Komlan of Vunabosco in Kokopo, ENB Province.

Although the timing of the sessions presented were short, they were certainly interesting and informative. I am now compelled to exercise all the valuable information I’ve gained and to share this insight in the communities I come from,” Br Thomas Bwagaaro of DBTS Gabutu.

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