Tuesday 16th February 2021
St Francis Xavier Parish in Kuragaga, Rabaul, came alive as the Rabaul Deanery Youth and Women’s Association members convened for the eucharistic celebration at the St Francis Xavier Co-Cathedral to launch the 3rd year of the Laity, entitled: “Holy, Formed and Sent for Service”.
The main celebrant was Most Reverend Rochus Josef Tatamai MSC, Archbishop of Rabaul together with the Dean of Rabaul, Reverend Father John Rongdiat and other priests of the Rabaul Deanery.
In his homily, Abp Tatamai stressed the need for Christ in all forms of lay service and apostolates.
Towards the end of the eucharistic celebrations Abp Tatamai blessed and commissioned newly voted executives of the Rabaul Deanery Youth, Women’s Association and St Francis Xavier Rabaul Parish – all of whom were lay men and women.
The Archbishop of Rabaul, congratulated the newly elected and commissioned executives and commended this coordination and enthusiasm by the Catholic Youth and Women Association of Rabaul that is evidence of a faith deeply rooted in society. He also noted that with segregation of work to lay executives gives way to a greater sense of ownership and responsibility and is a sign of many good things to come.
Abp Rochus once again stressed on adherence to the Pastoral Plan of the Archdiocese of Rabaul, reminding all baptized Catholics that we are called to share in Christ’s ministry of Prophet, Priest and King – themes that run parallel to the 3-part mission in the Diocesan Pastoral Plan of Rabaul.
Raising a point that won approval from the faithful present, Abp Tatamai stated his commitment to work together with his Catholic Education Secretary and other stakeholders to reinstate the authentic identity of all Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Rabaul that have been lost due to outside influences. Catholic schools are areas of formation for our children and should be kept free from error and influences that are essentially non-Catholic.