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LISTENING builds Love, Hope and Inspiration

Nigel Akuani

Port Moresby: ‘LISTEN! Do Everything with LOVE,’ was the empowering theme for the first Media Education Seminar (MES1) with students from ten catholic agency schools in Port Moresby.

Facilitated by the Social Communications (SOCOM) Commission, the seminar was held on Saturday 2nd April 2022 at the Catholic Bishops Conference (CBCPNGSI) Centre and had the participation of Don Bosco Technical Secondary, Don Bosco Technological Institute, Limana Vocational Centre, Jubilee Catholic Secondary School, La Salle Technical College, De La Salle Secondary, Marianville Secondary, St Joseph’s International Catholic College, St Charles Lwanga Secondary, and Caritas Business College.

The seminar had the engagement of 55 fortunate and talented students hand-picked by the 16-Animators. The 7-hour day-program had sessions that focused on: Media and Communication; Photos to Inspire; Logos with a Message; Prayer and Reflection. Group activities and lively energizers had participants fully engaged right throughout the sessions.

SOCOM Officer, Abigail Seta, highlighted the theme’s significance and explained that it was always good to listen to others as it was a sign of respect and empathy. “When we give others the opportunity to shine, we are already showing them that we care about what they think and that they have a contribution to make to the church and the society. It’s always good to remain calm, quiet, and listen to those around us and understand how they feel,” she said.

Animator of De La Salle Secondary School, Valentine Regau, admitted that although this was first-time to take on such a program, he reassured that his students would receive his full and continued support throughout MES in 2022. “All the students have displayed significant potential in all that they did. As we go along, I am prepared to guide and work closely with my students in bringing out their best,” he said.

Kean Zuasula, Animator of Don Bosco Technical Secondary School, applauded the efforts and presentations made by the SOCOM Team, and said the Media Seminar taught students the importance of being social and the need to always be creative in their works.

“The participants from the 10 catholic institutions are talented and have great potential. Engaging with them, viewing their productions, building on their creativity and above all giving them a platform to express themselves in a positive manner, is a sign that we journey with our young.

“This indeed is Synodailty. My gratitude to the animators and the facilitators who are committed to the young and are ready to spend their weekends in their service,” Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb, CBC SOCOM Secretary stated.

The second MES will be held on Saturday 7th May and will dwell on Writing News Articles.

Comments from students:

I’ve learned that for an effective mutual communication to exist, first and foremost, there needs to be the ability to LISTEN to others, by having patience, and having the willingness to cooperate and be open-minded with others,” - Jireh Asinimbu, Grade-11, Marianville Secondary School,

From learning the different functions of a camera and how to actually use it, I now know that Photography is more than just taking pictures, it is an Art form in its own right,” - Blaze Ralewa, Year-11, St Joseph’s International Catholic College.

The seminar presented us with opportunities to be practical and effective in the use of modern gadgets used in Media to create products that radiated hope and inspiration,” - Rhyna Ndramei, Grade-11, Jubilee Catholic Secondary School.

Exposure by way of interaction with other students and speaking in front of a crowd has boosted my confidence and I am looking forward to partaking in more presentations in the duration of the Media Seminar,” - Nathan Gehela, Grade-11, Don Bosco Technical Secondary School.

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