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  • Leotina Akwai

Honiara First Eucharistic processions on feast of Corpus Christi

Honiara: Catholics in Solomon Islands joined with the Universal church in commemorating the Feast of Corpus Christi or the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is the festival in honour of the real presence of the body (corpus) of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

On the 19th June, a Corpus Christi Procession was held from Bishop Epalle Catholic School Hall to Holy Cross Cathedral, Led by Fr. James Ereai, Fr. Selerino Diau and Bishop Epalle Mass Center.

Many gathered and knelt, meditated, and prayed as they honored the Body and Blood of Christ as represented in the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. The procession stopped at the 4 Altars along the road. Prayers were said that the Lord bless the Street, shopping centers, Government offices and Businesses and the Grace of Conversion of True Faith.

It concluded at 11am at Holy Cross with a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. James Ereai and Fr. Selerino Diau.

During Homily, Fr. James Ereai spoke on the importance of the Holy Eucharist related to the Readings from the book of Genesis, Psalm, 1 Corinthians and the Gospel Reading from the Book of Luke 9:11-17.

“In the readings, Jesus has shared about Monarchy and Priest, because he is both priest and King” he said.

“The Eucharist is at the very heart of our faith,” “It is the real presence of Jesus Christ, how the Lord strengthens us to do everything he has entrusted us to do.”

And we are called to share the Eucharist with others, he said. The Corpus Christi procession provides a literal way to do so.

“We are called to take Christ to the world,” said Fr. Ereai.

The procession “is a manifestation of how we are called to bring Christ to the world, as we take the Eucharistic Lord to the streets, we take the word of the Lord into the world to all the places we go, as well.”

“Today we receive the Miracle, the Miracle of Transubstantiation, he said, this is the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration”.

“In these times the church needs to become more missionary.

“We need to be renewed encounter with Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, especially those who don’t fully understand the power of the Eucharist.”

As people are seeking deeper connection more than ever before, “this is a time not to be ashamed of the Gospel but to proclaim it from the rooftops,” he added

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