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Sr Cathy Rarakau SR

Holy Rosary Early Childhood School closes for the year

Wirui, Wewak: Holy Rosary Early Childhood children had their farewell meal on Friday November 8, 2024.

(Eager children listening to announcements before the farewell meal...picture by Sr Cathy Rarakau SR)


The farewell meal was organized by the teacher in charge Sr Philomena Misimbi SR.


The farewell meal was a sign of appreciation for everyone working together for the year. It was a great day for 47 outgoing students of the Holy Rosary Early Childhood School and the parents, guardians and citizens of the school who attended and witnessed this occasion.


“The reason for having the farewell meal a bit earlier than the graduation is due to lessons learnt from organizing the first one for the pioneers the previous year”, stated Sr Philomena.


The Holy Rosary Early Childhood School graduation commenced on Friday 22nd November at the school grounds with invited guests from the various sectors such as the Catholic Education Secretary of the Wewak Diocese, the parish priest of Christ the King Cathedral Fr Bernard Burite, Sisters of the Rosary Congregation Leader Sr Robertha Mosi SR including head teachers of other schools, the media and others.


This is the second batch of pioneers from the school.


Most of the children attending Holy Rosary Early Childhood School live near the Mission area in the communities of Saksak compound, Kaltex, Mission compound and Kuya.

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