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Sr. Maria Tongop pbvm

Corpus Christi Feast Day brings Catholic Faithful together

Aitape: As the church all around the world celebrate the Solemnity feast of Corpus Christi( Body and Blood of Christ), a large crowd gathered at Corpus Christi Church at Arop 1 on Sunday the June 2, 2024 with a joyful choir and active participation in the Holy Eucharist that had Fr. Philip Pagolu ofm as main celebrant. 

To add a special touch to the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Catholic faithful were spiritually encouraged through talks given by Evangelist Mr Emmanuel Morop on the Holy Eucharist, the priestly garments, the altar and crucifix and the foundation of the Catholic Church before mass.


The church was packed to its full capacity with people following the Holy Eucharistic celebration from outside with reverend respect.


In his homily, Fr. Philip emphasized on the importance of the Holy Eucharist saying, today Jesus shares his body and blood with us as our spiritual food and drink. 


The feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ gathered all who were scattered, even the lukewarm members of the church who only wait for special feast days to go to church came back and those who are only Catholic by name.




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