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  • Japhet Kemali

Alotau Women Celebrate Solemnity of the Assumption

Alotau: The Alotau Deanery Women Convention together with the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was celebrated at Ladava Parish on 15th August.

His Lordship, Bishop Rolando Santos was the main celebrant with Fr. Joe Ensing and Father Otto as concelebrants and assisted by Deacon Japhet.

The Convention of the Women in the Deanery level occurs every two years in the Diocese of Alotau, integrated with the Solemnity of the Assumption. This year, the event was hosted by the Ladava Parish in the Alotau Deanery and the preparation was done by the Ladava Parish.

The women who travelled from Ealeba Parish, Hoówalai Parish, Alotau Parish, Bubu-Lamosi have found the celebration so meaningful because the preparation was well organized with the tireless help and guidance of the Parish Priest; Fr. Otto, MSC.

The enthusiasm of the Deanery Women Convention has inspired everyone to help in bringing the event to a success. The arrival began on Monday – Wednesday. There were also sessions given especially on the Theology of Mary (Mariology) leading up to the Solemnity of the Assumption.

The most important and the highlight of the day was Sunday’s Eucharistic Celebration presided by Bishop Rolando Santos. In his homily, he urged everyone, especially the women to follow the examples of Mother Mary; to live an ordinary life with Mary in a holistic approach. He also reminded the women to look up to Mary as their model in prayer and daily activities.

The Parish Priest, Fr. Otto, thanked everyone at the end of the Eucharistic Celebration for bringing the event to a success. He thanked most especially the women for attending the Convention despite the rain and distance. There were entertainments and meals that brought the event to its closure.

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