Gratitude to our three stars
- Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb
Staff at the Catholic Bishops Conference secretariat celebrated the work and life of three staff members who have been with the organization for several years. Sr. Mary McCarthy pbvm (8), Paula Grande (10) and Zoilo Agabe (13) conclude their service with the Catholic Bishops Conference at the end of this year.
"The three of them have served CBC for a total of 30 years with zeal, dedication and commitment", said Fr. Victor Roche svd, General Secretary.
"There have been challenges that Sr. Mary has faced right through her time in Papua New Guinea, but with faith, will power and determination, nothing was impossible for her", said Nyleptha Kenny. She shared her wonderful memories and experiences during her practical work experience over the university holidays and is grateful to Sr. Mary for the opportunity to work in the mission and serve the Catholic Church.
In a very emotional speech, Demoti Magini, highlighted the leadership, support, patience and counsel that Zoilo Agabe rendered to the office. "Thank you for making the opportunities available for me and for being so passionate about our well-being and career advancement. Your organization, professionalism, quick decisions, determination and honesty have inspired us in many ways", he said.
Speaking about Paula Grande, Michael Ova said, “We admire your energy, passion and unselfish love for Catholic education. In the last ten years the Catholic Education Commission was more like your baby, you nurtured, molded and grew with it. Since the start of the year I have admired your commitment, dedication, professionalism, firmness to duty and the need to always excel. Your role will be hard to fill”.
A Christmas celebration on the 22nd December will be the concluding event for 2017.