Kumgi DBSTC Honors 25th Jubilee
- DBSTC Correspondent
Kundiawa, Simbu– An energetic and vibrant weeklong celebration was orchestrated by staff and students of Don Bosco Simbu Technical College Kumgi, Kudiawa, in honor of its school’s 25th Jubilee.
Celebrations were held from Monday 8th September to Sunday 12th September, to honor pioneer Salesian missionaries who sat foot in the diocese upon the invitation of Bishop William Kurtz SVD, respectively: Br. Ramon de la Cruz and Fr. David Buenaventura both from Philippines, and Fr. Joseph Savina of Italy.
The silver jubilee had as its theme: "DB KUMGI: High 5 @ 25”, with the prime focus of showing gratitude for the past, celebrating the present, and envisioning the future. ‘High 5’ is a gesture of greeting and signifies relationship, friendship and celebration. ‘5’ stands for the five elements that form the logo of DBSTC:
the laurel leaves for education and success;
the gear for technical training and skills;
the cross shows that DBSTC is a Catholic mission school;
the Bird of Paradise stands for Papua New Guinea; and
the motto "Training for Life."
"High 5 @ 25" invites and challenges the community of DBSTC to move forward and continue realizing the dream of Don Bosco on behalf of the youth.
On Monday 7th September, there was Road Show at Kundiawa town where the school truck and school bus were decorated. The statue of Saint John Bosco was mounted on a stand and displayed on the truck along with students in their traditional costumes representing the various provinces of PNG.
A Talent Show and Battle of the Bands in the gym of DBSTC, was held on Tuesday 8thSeptember, while an Open Exhibit of technical workshops and projects of the Bosconians was held on 9th September. In the afternoon, a Musical Play titled "Man with a Dream", that highlighted the life of Saint John Bosco was premiered. It was directed by Fr Clifford Morais. Selected Bosconians took part either as members of the cast or the crew.
Community leaders from the tribes nearby also embraced the celebrations as they presented gifts of flowers, fruits, vegetables, and chickens, to the Salesian Community.
A Silver Jubilee Thanksgiving Mass was held on 10th September, and was presided by the Bishop of Goroka, Bishop Dariusz Kaluza MSF. In his homily, he indicated three key words that summarized the readings and the celebration: Hope, Joy and Greatness. The occasion was also graced by Archbishop Anton Bal, Archbishop of Madang and President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of PNGSI.
Several priests concelebrated the Thanksgiving Mass. The occasion also had religious sisters from the Diocese of Kundiawa. Various speeches were given throughout from Archbishop Anton Bal, Fr Ryszard Wajda SVD, Diocesan Administrator of Kundiawa); Fr Dominic Kachira SDB, Vice Provincial of the Salesians in PNGSI; and Fr Angel Sanchez SDB, Rector of DBSTC.
Also present were members of the Governing Council of DBSTC. Fr Dominic, in the name of the confreres of PGS Vice Province, handed a gift to the Salesian Community of Kumgi. The gift was a portrait of the Good Shepherd that served as a reminder of the mission of Salesians to be signs and bearers of the Good Shepherd’s love.
After the Mass, Archbishop Anton Bal blessed the monument of Saint John Bosco with Saint Dominic Savio and Blessed Laura Vicuña, as well as the 8 new kiosks or 'haus win' in the school grounds. Before noon, the Musical Play "Man With A Dream" was once more staged for the guests.
DBSTC’s cultural show was held on 11th September that had a total of 18 groups participate and showcase the colorful and diverse culture of Papua New Guinea. Crowds came in the thousands to show their support.
A second Thanksgiving Mass was held on 12th September, with Catholic faithful from the surrounding communities. The Diocesan Administrator of Kundiawa Diocese, Fr Ryszard Wajda SVD presided over the Mass.
In his address during mass, Fr Angel briefly recounted the history, origins and development of the Salesian work in Kumgi. He reminded the assembly of the pioneer Salesian missionaries and those who have helped them find more than 18 hectares of land to put up the school.
He also called out the names of the past eight rectors of Kumgi since the time of Fr Joseph Savina. Toward noon, the Musicale Play "Man With a Dream" was staged for the third time. A shared meal was later prepared for the seven small Catholic communities surrounding DBSTC.