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Churches Come Together for ‘PNG Hour of Hope’

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-          Nigel Akuani


Port Moresby: Representatives of the Seven-Mainline Churches have once more united themselves in an effort to strengthen the television program ‘PNG Hour of Hope’’.


The union came during a Workshop Review of the program on Thursday 11thJune, held at the Catholic Chancery’s office of the Archdiocese of Port Moresby. The occasion was hosted by the PNG Council of Churches in partnership with Church Partnership Program PNG Australia, and the National Broadcasting Corporation of PNG, and had 26 participants that included Priests, Reverends, Pastors, and media personnel. 


Each represented the seven Churches of the country, the PNG Bible Translation Association, and the various organisations involved in the backing and operation of the program.


After an opening prayer by Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb, Social Communications Secretary of the Catholic Bishops Conference, individual prayers were also given from the various Pastors and Reverends present.


Facilitating the workshop was Lahui Lovai, Media Representative of PNGCC. In his introduction he dwelled on the significant role the media played in society and encouraged for churches to take full advantage of its use to spread the Word of Hope. “Through television and the unprecedented emergence and growth of the social media platform today we can reach and spread God’s divine message with our congregation during this time,” he said.


Fr Ambrose explained the three key elements contained in the program’s videos and stressed the importance of preparation and practice. “We have to draw our audience in by sharing our personal experiences, readings contained in the bible and an inspiring invitation that encourages them to take action,” he said.


Prisca Karlo, NBC TV Program Producer, gave an account of the program’s growth since its launching in May 2020, and reassured the PNGCC of NBC’s help and support. “It is positive and inspiring and we believe that working in the media is an honourable profession and we want to see a thriving media that has programs of Godly influence,” she said.


Lively interactive game sessions, 1-minunte video creation and presentations kept everyone energized throughout the day. An intense discussion also had participants form two groups to deliberate possible ways of improving the program’s format of presentation and its concept. A debriefing of discussions ensued before the program officially ended with a prayer from Fr Ambrose.

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