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A way of Peace, Forgiveness and Unity

AOP Way of the Cross 2019 for peace, forgiveness and unity


- Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb


Port Moresby: Thousands of Papua New Guineans were part of the annual Way of the Cross around the city of Port Moresby on the 19th April 2019. 


As a tradition of the catholic religion celebrated globally, the event saw young Catholics joined by adults and members of other churches in Port Moresby begin their Way of the Cross at 4.30am at St. Pauls parish, Gerehu, stage 6. 


The procession paused at various venues that marked the 14 different stations. Reflections on scripture, and the singing of songs and hymns were a sign of reflection and prayer during the way. The procession ended at St Peter Chanel, Erima at 10.45am. At the end of a prayerful walk of 12 kilometres, Archbishop of Port Moresby, John Cardinal Ribat, concluded the celebrations with the Good Friday liturgy at 11am to 2pm. 


It was coordinated by the Archdiocesan Youth of Port Moresby and organized by Sr. Rebecca Fernandez OND, Archdiocesan Youth Secretary.  


“It is our hope that as young people we take up this walk for peace, forgiveness and unity, during this Lenten season, they will continue it every day of their lives,” said Sr. Rebecca organizer of the program.




“We pray for the ones who are sick and in hospital and for those who are dying.  I also pray that all the members of our family can lovingly interact with each other” - Noela Beni, St Charles Lwanga 


“As I walk the way of the cross, I ask for peace and forgiveness within my family.  I pray for my little girl, that I as a single mother can be both mother and father to her” – Raroteone Sariman, St Charles Lwanga


“I see this as a turning point in my life.  I need to give up on alcohol and my addiction to social media and focus on my studies and educational qualification. As a young person, I need to have God in my life and concentrate on my studies.  I wish to be a lawyer and I have a long way to go” - Francis Kangi, HolyRosary parish, Gerehu Secondary school


“I have been covering the Way of the Cross for over eight years. My family and children join me every year, in the walk with the cross. Two years ago, my father-in-law was sick, and we wheeled him to pray as the cross wound its way around the city.  It is an expression of our faith and a commitment to Christ in our lives”- Nicky Bernard, journalist WANTOK


“Coming from a strong Catholic family, together with the rest of my family, we are happy to pray the rosary and celebrate the sacraments. This way of the cross” -Henrietta Feae, St Pauls


Joe Lvagai and Tau Kanau, from the Correctional Centre Bomana were among the 14 males and 5 females who joined the way of the cross together with the people.


“I pray that I will be more obedient to my parents” – Kalie Marisa, La Salle Technical College, Hohola


“I am living with my grandparents.  I pray that there will be unity and togetherness and that I can bring up a good and happy Family”– Aida Rose, St Charles Keanga

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