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Media seminar inspires Catholic animators


CBC, Gordons: With the focus to educate Catholic diocesan animators on media, the Catholic Bishops Conference (CBC) is currently hosting a week-long Social Communication (SOCOM) Seminar.  


The seminar commenced on 11th February and will conclude on the 15th of February and is coordinated by the CBC Social Communication Commission (SOCOM). 


Wednesday, 13 February 2019 was the third day of the seminar which focused specifically on audio media.  Director of Radio Maria, Fr. Martin We-en presented radio jingles and radio dramas to the participants.


“Radio jingles and radio dramas are important and very effective for spreading positive messages,” stated Fr. Martin We-en. 


The practical activities for both radio jingles and dramas highlighted Pope Francis message for World Communication Day (WCD) 2019 “We are members of one another. From network communities to human communities” and also his encyclical entitled: ‘Laudato Si.’


“I was inspired by the session on radio and I believe it is a good form of communicating and ministering to the people in my diocese,” said Fr. John Balele, a participant from Kimbe diocese. 


During the seminar, it also saw a panel discussion for refugees in the country with its theme ‘Listening Across Borders.’ The refugees were the speakers of the event and shared their experiences, struggles and the many challenges they faced.


The participants of the SOCOM seminar were part of the refugee discussion and were encouraged by Fr. Martin to use their voices to share positive messages and be heard as audio was the first form of communication that God used.


The session for the day concluded with a visit to the Radio Mario studio in Gordons where the participants recorded their radio dramas. Day 4 of the seminar will focus on photographs and video. 

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