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50 years Ordained


Bishop William Fey, OFM Cap

Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Ordained: October 19, 1968


Friday, 19th October 2018, marked 50 years of Priestly Ordination for Bp. William Fey, OFM Cap of the Diocese of Kimbe, West New Britain province. 


The Capuchin Friars of the Province of Saint Augustine rejoice to celebrate the Jubilees of their brother Friars and shared snippets of Bishop William Fey, OFM Cap. 


‘Our brother Bill is one of the finest scholars the Province has known. His education was non-stop for twenty-four years, beginning with his entry into elementary school in 1950, through degrees in Philosophy and Religious education at St. Fidelis and The Catholic University of America, and finally at Oxford in England, where he completed his Ph.D in Philosophy in 1974.  


His love for God and for the Church was expressed in his love for learning, and in his other great loves: teaching and formation work. Together with Bob McCreary and Bill Henn he steered the transition of the Province from its own collegiate seminary program to collaboration with Borromeo College of Ohio in 1979, where he remained teaching and directing the formation programs of the Province.


Quite surprisingly to many, he sought and received the assignment to the mission in Papua New Guinea in 1987. There he worked to rebuild the academic program of the Capuchin friars and other religious at the major seminary in Bomana and the mission’s own formation programs while continuing with his teaching and serving in the administration of the mission. The respect in which his brothers held him was marked by election as a Councillor for two consecutive terms and then as Vice-Provincial Minister in 2007.  


The respect in which the Church holds him was demonstrated by his appointment as Bishop of Kimbe in 2010.  Having reached the mandatory age for retirement and fighting through serious health concerns, Bill recently submitted his resignation as Bishop of Kimbe and is in the process of returning home to the Province.  


He is hoping to return to teaching as well as formation work.  We have been happy to enjoy his good humour, semi-corny jokes and card tricks as he discerns the Father’s will in the months and years to come.’


Bp Bill Fey returned to Papua New Guinea on 18thOctober, 2018.  He visited the Catholic Bishops Conference, Gordons and cheerfully spent time speaking about the ecumenical program, youth issues and the other concerns that are uppermost in his mind.  He looks well and is back to his characteristic self.  


Congratulations Bishop Bill!  May the blessings of the Lord be upon you always!

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