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Religious women network for Greater Service

-       Sr John Mary FIHM, Diocese of Wabag


Wabag, Enga Province: “Eight different women congregations from the Catholic Diocese of Wabag Women Religious (CDWWR) are rendering their service to the people in the Diocese of Wabag”, said Sr John Mary, a member in the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (FIHM) congregation, in the Diocese of Wabag


CDWWR was officially formed on 17th November 2018, in Sangurap FIHM convent in Wabag Diocese of Wabag campus. Bishop Arnold Orowae led the reflection on religious vocation and its purpose. Confessions heard by Fr Casimir Niezgoda SVD, the diocese’s pioneer missionary. This was followed by Holy Mass. 


The women religious from around the diocese come together quarterly for their recollection, confession, Holy Mass and business meetings. At each time a different religious congregation takes responsibility to organize the program. Each religious community brings food to share with all present.


Until this year 2020, it was decided that the gathering occurs twice a year. Their first meet this year was on 23rd May, in Sikiro and had as its theme: “Love of Christ in the Spirit of Generosity”. The religious sisters then decided to have a picnic to Sirungi Lake on August 8th 2020. The picnic went according to plan with everyone returning back home with fond memories of a beautiful day of togetherness.


“The religious gathering has provided the invaluable experience of recollection, sharing of joy, faith and problems. It is an opportunity to share spiritual growth and strengthen the bond of friendship amongst the different religious congregations” said Sr John Mary FIMH. It fosters sharing responsibilities and insight, supporting and praying for each other in the different ministries.


CDWWR has as its vision, reaching the needy in remote places. Vocations are gradually increasing in the congregations. It hopes to increase its different services such as pastoral work, faith proclamation, holistic health, quality education, by working among different age groups to improve their capacity and other services

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