Students Adjust to 'New Normal'
- Leo Paraha
Port Moresby: I would say that the ‘new normal’ has changed almost everything that was done normally in school. Adjusting to the ‘new normal’ is quite a challenge for parents, students and teachers especially. However, we all should accept the fact that this is reality, and each individual has a part to play for the good of their own health and be mindful of their personal hygiene.
Right after the lockdown period when classes resumed, the procedures were new and a bit difficult for everyone to follow, especially the use of PPE inside and outside of the classrooms. As days passed, it became a norm to all but yet time and again people are reminded of the procedures.
The school came up with the shift classes in order for the students to keep physical distancing whilst learning continued. Each year level is scheduled on the days they should be at school and on the off days, handouts, assignments and exercises were given to them to complete at home.
Almost everything had a slight change; the usage of the PPE in class, the timing of classes, delivering of lessons, room for classes and assessment for students. For me, I have come to realize the importance of personal hygiene, timemanagement and planningahead of time.
I think we must not blame it on the pandemic virus but we all should be prepared and get ready to face any circumstance that may arise at any time. The life of our future generation is within our care. And remember not ignore the SOE protocols because your health is essential.

DBTS students undergoing temperature check before entry into campus

Application of social distancing in class.

DBTS staff receives hand sanitising.

Students being taught the importance of good personal hygiene and social distancing.