Fr Ambrose Pereira Paul Harricknen

Dec 1, 20202 min

Gratitude for Gods Blessings

Waigani, Port Moresby: The Catholic Professionals Society (CPS) concluded the year with a Thanksgiving Eucharistic on Saturday, 28th November at Mary Queen of the Pacific Parish, Waigani.

Present for the celebrations were members of the Catholic Professionals, religious, representatives of the laity and friends. Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb, CPS Spiritual Director of the Catholic Professionals celebrated the Thanksgiving Eucharist.

“You need to remain awake and vigilant in a revolutionary way”, said Fr Ambrose, as he invited all present to reflect on the readings and prepare themselves during the four weeks of Advent to welcome Christ the Lord of the Universe. “Advent is not a cosy time of gifts, food and parties, but a time when the prophets invited the people to change their lives and deliver themselves from oppression, bondage and slavery. It’s a time for each one of us to set free from our own slavery, our sins and our addictions. He invited all present to make this a reality in their lives, the lives of their families and especially in the country that is going through a political turmoil,” he said.

The members thanked God for the establishment of the Diocesan Chapters in Alotau and Madang and look forward to establishing the Mt Hagen and Lae chapters in the year ahead.

Mr Michael Varapik, CPS Honorary Treasurer highlighted the involvement of CPS in a legal aid programme under the Individual & Community Rights Advocacy Forum, the constitutional validity of the National Pandemic Act 2020 and the campaign to oppose the foreign Embassies and the UN Agencies amend laws against same-sex marriage and same-sex activities.

Prayers for the repose of the soul of CPS member, Mr. Sarto Inaido and the speedy recovery of Mr. Camillus Narokobi were said. Young Catholic Professionals, Emmaculate Wanjik and Michael Nick, were congratulated as they celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage and sealed their life of love with God’s blessings.

The celebrations ended with refreshments at the hall of the parish. Members met and shared food and challenged each other on their roles and responsibilities as laity and Catholic professionals.

Mr. Moses Murray spoke of how he and few priests and laity arranged rallies in Wewak to counter anti-Catholic preaching by other denominations. Mr. William Lamur spoke of his experience of the courage to pray and make a sign of the cross in public places as a form of personal evangelization. Mr. Michael Varapik spoke of his marriage to wife Betty after 40 years in the wilderness and encouraged members and friends on the importance of sacramental life. Ms. Esther Igo expressed concerns on the lack of Catholic voice in Parliament, politics and public arena.

Mr Paul Harricknen, president of the Catholic Professionals thanked all the members for their presence and their commitment, despite the difficulties of the year, 2020. The Catholic Professionals look forward to continuing to be a voice and a light of Catholic Faith to all in Papua New Guinea.
