Rabaul, Vunapope: A week-long workshop aimed at effectively implementing the Diocesan Pastoral Plan of the Archdiocese of Rabaul was held on behalf of its clergy and pastoral officers.

Held at the Degenhardt Conference Centre in Vunapope, the workshop facilitated by Fr Rey Caygoi, O.Carm of Bereina, commenced on Tuesday 2nd March 2021, and will end on Friday 5th March 2021.
It was organised at the special invitation of Archbishop of Rabaul, Rochus Tatamai MSC, and has the engagement of participants from the Kokopo and Rabaul Deaneries.
The workshop aims to provide:
- an orientation for participants;
- sessions on reading the signs of the times for priests;
- duties of personnel charged with the pastoral care of faithful;
- establishing new and revitalizing existing cells of Basic Christian Communities;
- effective implementation of the Diocesan Pastoral Plan.
It is also intended to highlight the three-fold mission of the Catholic Archdiocese of Rabaul, specifically:
1. Proclaiming the Word of God.
2. Celebrating the Sacraments.
2. Building the Christian Community in Charity, and effectively sharing in Christ's ministry as Prophet, Priest and King.
Similar sessions of the workshop are scheduled for the rest of March, planned for the different apostolates, groups, and also for members of the Pomio Deanery.
By definition, the Basic Christian Community is seen as a basic cell, integral to carrying out the threefold mission for the salvation of souls.