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Leotina Akwai

Successful Pentecost celebration at Don Bosco

Honiara, Solomon Islands: More than 300 Catholic youths of Holy Cross Parish, Bishop Epalle Mass Centre and Good Shepherd gathered at Don Bosco, Henderson, East Honiara for the Pentecost weekend.

The Youth Weekend Camp opened with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist celebrated by His Grace Archbishop of Honiara, Christopher Cardone OP. and Concelebrating the occasion were Don Bosco Rector, Holy Cross Youth Chaplain and Assistant Secretary to the Catholic Bishops Conference Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. The Eucharist Celebration was attended by many and was beautifully animated by the Holy Cross Youths.

Holy Cross Cathedral Parish Youth Chaplain Fr Misiwasi told Catholic Communication that it is important to involve youths in programs that will help them in their formation to become better individuals.

Fr Misiwasi stated that most times youths are neglected and this program aims to equip them with positive attitudes and good morals so that when they go back to their communities they feel like they belong in a community of love and care.

The Youth Camp concluded on Pentecost Sunday with mass celebrated by Fr Mark Misiwasi and concelebrated by the Director of Don Bosco Technical Institute Fr. John to commemorate the Pentecost Solemnity.

During his homily, Fr Mark reminded the parishioners to be witnesses of Christ and urged everyone to allow the power of the Holy Spirit to Lead them.

The weekend was filled with games, inspiring talks, prayer and meditation and was enjoyed by all those who participated. Youths also used this opportunity to prepare for the upcoming Saint Joseph’s Cup that will be held in June.

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