Kiunga: The women from Kiunga Region St John Parish Matkomnai, St Brigid and St Gerard parishes in Kiunga celebrated the National Catholic Women’s Day on 14th August, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A total of 247 women, 20 youths and 15 men were part of the program where they learnt alot from the facilitators.
The theme of the week was Women: Voice of the Heart and the slogan was: Like Mary, be open to the will of God.

A novena that commenced on the 29th July was held to prepare for the event. The program commenced on Monday 8th August with the arrival of women, youths and some men from different parishes and villages.
A march from St Brigid Parish to St Gerard Parish at the Cathedral was held on the 9th August. Bishop Joseph Durero SVD then opened the celebrations with a Eucharistic celebration.
Sessions on the Catholic Church and Its Teaching were given by Bp Joseph on the 10th August. The next day Fr Yulianus Gunawan CM on Synodal Church, church of Participation, Communion and Mission and Fr Aloysius Banggur SMM spoke on True Devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary. On Friday 12th August the session was given by Sr Fidelis Rickie FMI on the different titles of Mother Mary. The participants then had the possibility of Confessions.
A Talent show and Bible drama was held on the 13th August, where the women displayed their hand crafts with different items by the different parishes.
On the Feast of Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, the program concluded with Mass, food sharing and gift presentation.
This will empower the women to continue their roles and responsibilities at their homes, communities, and societies.
The modules were very meaningful and inspiring, and the women said that they learnt and gained something new. Several youth and men helped the women in music and liturgy at the opening mass. The closing mass was led by women and youth.
Next year 2023 we are looking forward to celebrating this Feast of the Assumption in the Northern Region with four parishes: Our of Lady Star Mountain Parish Tabubil, St Andrew Parish Bolivip, Sacred Heart Parish Tarakbits and Our Lady of Papua Parish Kungim.
