WABAG: Catholic Diocese of Wabag gathered together for their first diocesan conference at Par Holy Spirit Pastoral Centre. Priests, religious and diocesan coordinators of the diocese of Wabag came together on 7-10 June to discuss the pastoral plan for the diocese.
The conference coincides with the launching of the five-year plan booklet of the Catholic Diocese of Wabag. For a good number of years, Marriage and Family Life was on top of the priority list, however, for next five years (2021-2025) social issues took the top list. This is in answer to the signs of the time in today’s world where social issues become a real concern for the lives of the people.
During the conference more lights were shed on the pastoral plan booklet by Fr. Justin Ain on how to effectively put into action the plan of the diocese to achieve the set vision. This does not mean to use social issues as an umbrella of evangelization but evangelization (proclaiming good news) still remains the umbrella. Within the umbrella of evangelization, the social issue is seen in a different angle and addressed with different styles and language to prioritise it.
Caritas was given more power to take lead in addressing the social issues. The Caritas coordinator was asked to form a solid team consisting of two or three priests, nuns, seminarians and lay people. This team will reach out to the public to make awareness and address the social issues that affect the livelihood of the people.
Each renewal coordinator gives their report on their work and their plans to execute. Though they faced many challenges, they concluded with a positive mind to sail through.
The conference ended with the discussion on how to celebrate the 75 years platinum jubilee celebration next year. The diocese forms a jubilee committee to organise the celebration. Each dean of the three deaneries was asked to collect the historical information of the arrival and erection of each parish. The collective information will be compiled by the media and communication coordinator and will be hung up on the walls of the churches and chapels.
Moreover, catholic diocese of Wabag was willing to join the 125 years celebration of SVD missionaries in Madang. Since the arrival of SVD missionaries, August 2021 marks 125 years of SVD missionaries present in Papua New Guinea soil, and it is our greatest joy to join them in their celebration this year. We are the fruits of their hard work and we feel part of the celebration. Bishop concluded that we are the last of the last SVD mission provinces and we need to say thank you to them. Since we are the last province, we would be more appreciative to receive more SVD missionaries.