New Bishop of Kimbe appointed
Pope Francis has appointed Reverend Father John Bosco Auram as the new Bishop of the Diocese of Kimbe.
The announcement was made by the Apostolic Nunciature (Vatican Embassy) in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea on Friday, 18th October 2019 at 8pm.
Reverend Father John Bosco Auram replaces His Lordship Most Reverend William Fey, OFM Cap, Bishop of Kimbe who has reached the age limit.
Father Auram was born on 19th October, 1972 at Sara, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea. He was ordained on the 17th January, 2004.
He completed his Religious Studies in 1998 at Sacred Heart Seminary Rapolo, ENBP and in 2002 his Bachelor in Sacred Theology at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary Rapolo. He then did a Licentiate and Master of Art in Sacred Theology, UST, in Manila, Philippines from 2016 to 2018.
His work experience includes:
2005-2006 Vice Rector Major Seminary St John Mary Vianney, Vanimo.
2007-2008 Vice Rector Major Seminary, St Charles Borromeo, Vanimo.
2009-2011 Formator Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Rapolo, ENBP
2011-2012 Parish Priest Silanga Parish, WNBP
2012 Care taker priest Turuk Parish, WNBP
2013-2014 Formator Holy Spirit Seminary, Bomana
2015 Care taker Sara Parish
2019 Acting Rector Sacred Heart Seminary, Rapolo, ENBP
The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Kurian Mathew Vayalunkal expresses his sincere gratitude to Bishop Fey for the long years of zealous and faithful service which he has given to the Church in Papua New Guinea and wish him all the best for his well-earned retirement.
He congratulates Bishop Auram on his appointment and his new mission in the Church.
May the Lord bless and guide him as he prepares to take up the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Kimbe.