Solemnity of Pentecost observed
Bomana: The Holy Spirit Seminary, Bomana marked the Solemnity of Pentecost and their feast day with a special liturgical celebration on Sunday, 9th June 2019.
Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb, Catholic Bishops Conference Social Communication and Youth Secretary, was the main celebrant at the Eucharistic celebration at which eight others concelebrated. Ambassador Michael Maue; President of the Catholic Theological Institute, Fr. Joseph Vnuk OP; Dean of studies of the Catholic Theological Institute, Brandon Zimmerman and many others together with the community of the Catholic students from Pacific Adventist University (PAU), Priests, brothers and seminarians from the neighbouring colleges, Sisters from the neighbouring communities and representatives of Radio Maria were present at the celebration.
At the Eucharist, in his homily, Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb dwelt on “Christus Vivit” (Christ is Alive). He stressed the presence of the Holy Spirit and human dignity. He also elaborated on refugees and asylum seekers in the country and their plight on Manus Island.
Following this was the outdoor activities which had speeches by invited guests and speakers, showcasing of traditional songs and dances by the Seminarians and invited family and friends with refreshments served for everyone.
The Solemnity of Pentecost falls 50 days after Easter and is celebrated by the Universal Catholic Church.